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Healthcare Coaching Articles

Nurse Health Coaching

What Does a Board Certified Nurse Coach Do?

If you’re wondering, “what does a board certified nurse coach do?”, they are healthcare professionals trained in nursing and coaching who empower individuals to achieve their best health. Setting personalized goals, supporting chronic disease management, and promoting sustainable lifestyle changes are all in a day’s work for these dedicated practitioners. This article unpacks the diverse[...]

National Society of Health Coaches

13 minute read

Featured Articles

Nurse Health Coaching

Top Nurse Career Paths: A Guide to Growing Your Nursing Profession

Charting your route through nurse career paths can be daunting. What roles are available, and how can you advance? This article provides a clear-cut overview of the nursing hierarchy, from foundational roles such as Certified Nursing Assistant to highly specialized positions like Nurse Practitioner. Get concise, actionable insights on the steps needed for progression and[...]

National Society of Health Coaches

10 minute read

Health Coaching

Is It Worth Getting a Health Coach Certification? Exploring the Value 

The decision on whether to get a health coach certification hinges on its actual benefit to your career. Many wonder, ‘Is it worth getting a health coach certification?’ In this article, we cut straight to the chase by analyzing essential factors like market demand, salary potential, and personal career fulfillment to distill whether certification is[...]

National Society of Health Coaches

8 minute read

Nurse Health Coaching

Achieving the Perfect Nurse Work-Life Balance

Imagine working long hours, managing high-stress situations, and handling the emotional demands of patient care while trying to maintain a fulfilling personal life. For many nurses, achieving a healthy nurse work life balance may seem like an impossible task. However, it is vital not only for personal well-being but also for providing exceptional patient care.[...]

National Society of Health Coaches

6 minute read

Health Coaching

How to Get a Holistic Nurse Certification

Understanding Holistic Nursing The American Holistic Nurses Association defines holistic nursing as “all nursing practice that has healing the whole person as its goal.” Traditional nursing looks toward diagnosing and treating specific conditions or illnesses with a focus on the physical aspect of patient care. Holistic nursing, on the other hand, takes a broader approach[...]

National Society of Health Coaches

10 minute read

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