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Health Coaching Health Coaching Psychology

While visiting his grandparents, an 8 yr-old little boy helped a neighboring family pick up sticks strewn all across their yard from a storm the night before.

woman in black jacket sitting beside woman in white blazer
woman in black jacket sitting beside woman in white blazer

About an hour later, Charlie, the neighbor’s dog with a note tied around his neck came over to the house where the little boy was staying. The neighbor watched through her patio door to make sure that Charlie made it to his destination. 

As Charlie walked slowly across the yard toward the little boy playing on the carport, it became clear there was something tied around Charlie’s neck. It was a note with the child’s name on it!

The little boy patted Charlie’s head and took the note from around the dog’s neck. It was a Thank You note from the neighbor with money in it for his help picking up sticks! The little boy was elated, but the joy on the neighbor’s face to see the child’s expression was priceless! 

Psychology in Health Coaching

How does expressing gratitude affect us in the way it affected this neighbor? 

Expressing Gratitude has many Benefits!

In health coaching, we learn that one aspect in the use of Positive Psychology is the expression of gratitude. Ackerman reveals several studies that show the positive effects on the lives of those who show gratitude and give thanks for acts of kindness received! She lists:

    1. Our overall sense of wellbeing
    2. Deeper relationships
    3. Improved Optimism
    4. More happiness
    5. Stronger self-control
    6. Improved physical and mental health
    7. Stronger athleticism
    8. Better life overall

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to stop for a moment and show our gratitude to those who have shown a kindness to us! It only takes a moment… 


    Send a note

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    Besides improving our relationships with others, expressing heartfelt gratitude can put our own mental and physical health on the upswing! Let’s Do it!

Ackerman, C. (Oct. 2021). What is gratitude and why is it so important? (

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